Three Things You Need on Your Housekeeping CV

Housekeeping CV

It doesn’t matter what role you are applying for, whether you’re new to the industry or consider yourself a veteran/long-term housekeeping professional. Your CV should always reflect your experience and highlight your skills while being geared towards the role you want to step into.

As a housekeeper, crafting a CV that showcases both your professional skills and your personality is key. Potential employers are seeking an individual who will be invited into their home and become a part of their family life – so they need to ensure that you are a good match for them.

With this in mind, here are three things you should add to your housekeeping CV before submitting any application to a housekeeper job in London.

1. Outline Previous Experience

By far the most important part of any CV is the experience listed and outlined on it. Prospective employers and recruitment specialists aren’t just looking at the roles you’ve worked in but also how long you have stayed with previous employers and the responsibilities you took on during your time in those roles.

Previous experience on your housekeeping CV doesn’t have to be restricted to domestic work. In fact, roles in hospitality, customer service, and other industries can all highlight transferable skills that will only serve to make you a better and more well-rounded candidate.

And while we’re on the topic of additional skills…

2. Highlight Skills Beyond the Norm

A housekeeper’s primary role is to manage the household, spanning everyday cleaning and domestic jobs which serve to alleviate the pressure on the family or resident. However, many employers will be particularly interested in and drawn to applicants who can bring skills beyond the norm to a role – with skills including cooking and childcare particularly popular traits on a housekeeper’s CV.

If you have experience or an underlying interest in these kinds of responsibilities beyond the core role of housekeeper, then making this clear in your application may well support your chances as a viable candidate – not to mention they can help you to create a job that speaks to your experience and your passions!

3. Showcase Your Personality Through Hobbies and Interests

There is always room on a CV for hobbies and interests, hinting at your life and personality outside of work. With so many housekeeping roles in London requiring live-in professionals, potential employers and families will be looking for a good fit in terms of personality and well as skillset and experience.

Dedicating a small section of your CV to your interests can help your application stand out and may even spark additional opportunities beyond those advertised in the job listing. Some popular hobbies and interests that we often see on CVs include gardening, art and other creative ventures, reading, and more.

For more advice like this and for tailored support as you create and finetune your CV, you can always reach out to a reputable recruitment agency for domestic professionals.

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